Tag: digital word
Only Child
The mind of an only child becomes a dangerous place when he becomes an adult. Imaginary friends turn into personalities that become imprisoned in fantasies that were darkened by late night computer screens and very sticky magazines. The mind of an only child becomes a … Continue readingOnly Child
Sweet Tea
My father knelt at this alter. He died with sugar in his blood. I’ll take a large number two with some extra dopamine. Add in a side of fructose corn syrup, don’t forget the aspartame. Feed me all your lies with a double order of … Continue readingSweet Tea
I said a bad word
Oh Lord I know you said we should keep our tongue from evil, and strive to have clean lips. But sometimes… I just have to say fuck this shit.
The L Word
The L Word A drug as old as time itself. I’m so high on it. My eyes, looking for their next fix. I’ve come rely on it. Fiending so bad, I’ll probably die on it. Push wisdom away, I’m willing to stake my life on … Continue readingThe L Word
An Ongoing love affair
I. Sometimes you have to just stop and let the sunlight wash over you, soak it in and let it heal you. Hoping it pierces deep enough to touch all of your shadows and secret wounds. And even as its rays lose their power in … Continue readingAn Ongoing love affair
Mississippi Painter
Give me a thousand threads of your finest Mississippi cotton. A smooth white canvas, stretched to the corners of this king sized planting field. Plant a seed in the dark and watch those curly head bulbs grow. Sweat drenched labor. Long strokes, brush strokes, let … Continue readingMississippi Painter