The idea to write a book came as a complete shock to me. What has been even more surprising is the response I’ve received, particularly the multiple request for signed copies. Being an avid reader with a large collection of books, I never considered what it would mean to have a signed copy of a book I’m truly interested in. It took for a fellow photographer to point out a simple truth to me. While there are millions of books that are published on a regular basis, the average person knows one maybe two authors in their extend circle of family, friends, acquaintances, classmates, and coworkers. So when one of those people steps forward and actually publishes a physical book, it’s a big deal.
I actually had to think about that for a minute, because there’s no way that could be true. But sure enough for me, I could only think of three people within my extend circle in the past 10 years, that has wrote a book. My cousin Ebony being the most recent one. So now I’m left with figuring out how to get all these family and friends a signed copy.
Publishing through Amazon was a very simple process. Once a person orders a copy, Amazon will instantly print a copy and have it to that person in about 48 hours (unless you’re my cousin who lives in Alaska). And since Amazon is the Einstein of shipping and logistics, the process becomes that much easier. Well I’m definitely no Jeff Bezo and learning the rules and regulations of e-commerce is mind numbingly boring. So boring that it makes you want to pour bleach into your eyes (excuse the typical military dark humor).
But with so many people supporting me, I had to “take one for the team” and learn something new. And I’m happy that I did. There’s been so many other benefits that have come from trying to send signed copies. For one, I started a business as result of trying to send signed copies. B20photos quickly became B20photos LLC. I met other other authors and business owners that I was able to add to my network. I found a renewed interest in logistics that I hope will take me past my time in the military. Plus I learned a lot of other small subsequent lessons about myself and this whole process.
Well I guess it’s time to put those lessons into action. Signed copies are now available through this website. Simply navigate to the link below where you can order signed copies of “What They Will Never Know.”
The link only shows 1 version of the signed books. I plan on ordering a crayon signed one for David’s Christmas present. Marines- lol!
LOL!!! I just fixed it.