Angelic Love

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The time stream is relentless 
as it erodes
a path through our lives. 
An unforgiving torrent 
that brittles the bones 
and loosens the skin. 
A Styx that floods its banks 
to turn youthful fields gray. 
But there is a love 
that survives that aged assault.
Child like shouts  
“mom I finished my chores.”
Shouts of freedom 
as he runs out the door 
of his house 
or a board meeting on 20th floor.
There is a love that pushes him. 
A love that is as innocent as can be. 
Longing thoughts of the best friend 
that he’s been dying to see. 

Sword fights mature into to 
late night 
phone conversations about 
weekend breakfast plans 
to satisfy their appetites. 
Often seen as brothers
not tied by blood
Or mistaken for lovers
not bound by vows.
A bond free of expectations.
Sealed with soul hugs.
More than just a sisterly relation.

For at the end of that stream, 
time slips into eternity. 
Where death frees the married 
and the child and parent are carried,
away to the Father’s house as equals.
But here time has no reach
And death meets its own tragic end
Because eternity started for us
The moment we became best friends.    

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